Understand the techniques for manipulating bits and binary operations to solve complex problems efficiently.
2. Binary SearchLearn how to efficiently search for an element in a sorted array or a list using binary search algorithms.
3. ArraysExplore the fundamentals of arrays, including various operations and techniques to solve problems efficiently.
4. Linked ListsLearn about linked lists, including their operations and how they can be used to efficiently manage dynamic data.
5. StacksUnderstand stack data structures and their applications, including implementation and problem-solving techniques.
6. QueuesExplore queue data structures, including different types and their uses in various programming scenarios.
7. TreesLearn about tree data structures, including binary trees, AVL trees, and other types of trees for efficient data management.
8. GraphsExplore graph data structures and algorithms, including traversal techniques and shortest path algorithms.
9. HeapsUnderstand heap data structures, including heap operations and their use in algorithms like heap sort.
10. HashingLearn about hashing techniques, hash tables, and their applications in optimizing search operations.
11. SortingExplore various sorting algorithms and their applications, including comparisons and optimizations.
12. SearchingUnderstand searching algorithms, including linear search and binary search, and their performance analysis.
13. Dynamic ProgrammingLearn about dynamic programming techniques and how to solve problems by breaking them into simpler subproblems.
14. Greedy AlgorithmsExplore greedy algorithms and their use in finding optimal solutions by making the locally optimal choice at each step.
15. BacktrackingUnderstand backtracking algorithms and how they can be used to solve problems by exploring all possible solutions.
16. Divide and ConquerExplore divide and conquer algorithms, which solve problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable subproblems.